New Patient Registration
To register with our Practice you will need to complete a GMS1 form which is available on request from the reception staff. A current photo ID is also required i.e. passport or photo driving license. As a patient you register with the Practice and not a specific Doctor. However you may state a preference for a particular Doctor when completing the GMS1. We will try wherever reasonably practicable to make sure your consultation is with your preferred GP.
All patients wishing to register with the Practice are asked to have a consultation with the Practice Nurse after which you will be registered. This is helpful in obtaining a brief medical history before we receive your full medical record from your previous GP. This information is invaluable to us, for example if you require a repeat prescription or need any medical or insurance forms to be completed. Lack of this information could result in a delay in dealing with your request. The consultation also helps in keeping an up-to-date profile of you in our records. If you are on repeat medication you must see the doctor for the first time you need any repeat medication.
Pre-registration with the practice
If you wish to pre-register click on the link below to open the form. When you have completed all of the details, click on the “Send” button to mail your form to us. When you visit the surgery for the first time you will be asked to sign the form to confirm that the details are correct.
When you register you will also be asked to fill out a medical questionnaire. This is because it can take a considerable time for us to receive your medical records. There is an online version of this file too, which you may fill out and send to us. When you come to the surgery you will be asked to sign this form to confirm that the details are correct.
Note that by sending the form you will be transmitting information about your self across the Internet and although every effort is made to keep this information secure, no guarantee can be offered in this respect.
Alternatively you may print off a registration form, fill it out and bring it in with you on your first visit to the practice.