Prescriptions Information

Repeat Prescriptions

You may obtain repeat prescriptions by placing your written request in the post box next to Medicentre reception window. You can also order your repeat prescription on-line via the online services link or via our email address Alternatively you may post your request. Upon receipt of your request we aim to have the prescription ready 48 hours later. This gives the Doctor time to carry out essential regular checks on your repeat medication to eliminate any related problems. The local Pharmacies offer a collection and delivery service. Please enquire with your chosen chemist for details.

Repeat prescriptions are not taken over the telephone as this may lead to errors and also it blocks the telephone line for people ringing surgery for emergencies etc.

Many remedies for minor ailments are available over the counter and the local chemist would be able to advise you on these.

Please allow 48 hours, excluding weekends and Bank Holidays, for your request to be processed. Any problems please telephone the surgery.